Advertise In the Maine Motor Transport News, here’s why…
- Inform potential clients about your company’s products, services and new developments.
- Support the growth & development of safety-conscious members of our industry.
- Enjoy visibility among the pages of our enhanced magazine offering added color and a “new look”.
- Reach more of Maine’s Truck Transportation industry than any other publication.
- Attract clients utilizing a magazine which offers vital information on state and national concerns, as well as legislative issues available to our industry only through this publication.
COLOR SELLS!! and we’d like your ad to get noticed! With today’s expanding technology full color is available at the reasonable rates listed above. Allow a well-designed and colored advertisement to be one of your company’s strongest sales tools. Assistance with design is available to advertisers at an additional cost. Please ask your advertising representative for details.
Maine Motor Transport News magazine is published 6 times yearly by the Maine Motor Transport Association, Maine’s exclusive affiliate of the American Trucking Association, Inc.
Advertising Deadline: 15th of the month preceding issue
Advertising prices are based on insertion billing.
All ads must be submitted electronically to size in pdf format created in Adobe. Additional production costs may be charged for ads needing alteration.
MMTA is not able to publish employment solicitation advertisements or promotion of services that conflict with the services offered by the MMTA or MMTA Services, Inc.
A discount of 10% will be honored for prepayment of ads which will run more than 3 times.
Accounts with a balance due over two months will not be accepted for publication.
Annual news subscription (six issues) is $25.00 for members, $35.00 for non-members.
For more information, please contact:
Gayle P. Baber
Advertising Representative
P.O. Box 414
Orono, Maine 04473
phone 207.947.1408