- ELDT mandated by Congress in MAP-21.
- ELDT FMCSA rulemaking occurred in 2016.
- ELDT was originally due to take effect on February 2, 2020.
- The rule was delayed two years and became effective February 7, 2022.
Overview of the ELDT
General overview found in this link: ELDT-Applicability-Factsheet_508.pdf (dot.gov)
- After 2/7/22, all new applicants for CDL, upgrade from current CDL, or for endorsement to existing CDL, must obtain training from a registered Training Provider.
- State will not schedule written or road test unless they verify with Training Registry that driver has completed training from registered provider.
- ELDT is proficiency based - not hours-based training.
- Nothing in the testing process at the State changes except State must verify that the applicant completed by a registered Training Provider.
Training Providers
Training Provider Overview: Training Provider Registry - Training Providers Fact Sheet (dot.gov)
- Anyone can register with FMCSA to become a training provider.
- The process is simple, free, and takes 15 minutes or less.
- As of 2/11/2022 approximately 130 entities have registered in Maine as a Training Provider.
- Training Providers “self-certify” that they meet the requirements to become a training provider.
- Training Providers must follow the standard curriculum of ELDT: Entry-Level Driver Training Minimum Federal Curricula Requirements (dot.gov)
- Training Provider maintains records of training and successful completion of training.
- Training Providers must also meet the State standards (Maine Chapter 9 rules) set for driver education.
ELDT INSTRUCTORS - Theory instructors qualifications:
- Instructors do not need to register with FMCSA.
- Training Providers must use qualified instructors.
- Instruction consists of Theory and Behind-the-Wheel.
- Hold a CDL of the same (or higher) class, and with all endorsements necessary, to operate the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) for which training is to be provided.
- Meet all applicable State qualification requirements for CMV instructors. (Exception: This is not required if providing theory instruction exclusively.)
- Meet one of these:
- Have a minimum of two years’ experience operating a CMV requiring a CDL of the same (or higher) class, or the same endorsement; or
- Have previously held a CDL of the same (or higher) class; or
- Have a minimum of two years’ experience as a BTW CMV instructor.
ELDT INSTRUCTORS - Behind-the-Wheel (BTW) instructors qualifications:
- Instructors do not need to register with FMCSA.
- Training Providers must use qualified instructors.
- Instruction consists of Theory and Behind-the-Wheel.
- Hold a CDL of the same (or higher) class, and with all endorsements necessary, to operate the CMV for which training is to be provided.
- Meet all applicable State qualification requirements for CMV instructors.
- Meet one of these:
- Have a minimum of two years’ experience operating a CMV requiring a CDL of the same (or higher) class, or the same endorsement; or
- Have a minimum of two years’ experience as a BTW CMV instructor.
Maine Standards - CHAPTER 9
- Importantly, Chapter 9 Rules would not apply to motor carriers seeking to register as Training Provider for their own employees at no cost.
- Chapter 9 Rules only apply to entities that hold themselves out to the public for remuneration or certification purposes.
- Chapter 9 is hours based and more complex than Federal ELDT.
- Secretary of State’s Office Chapter 9 Rules govern drivers education found in this link: Chapter 9 Revisions 1-28-2020 Driver Ed_.docx
Issues impacting Maine Motor Carriers:
- Current driver shortage among all carriers.
- Training currently takes 5 to 7 weeks.
- Cost ranges from $2500 to $7000.
- MMTA Program for Interest Free Loans.
- Most small motor carriers used to informally train drivers locally at minimal cost and then assist with license exam at State will not register as a Training Provider.
- Larger Motor Carriers less impacted because new drivers trained elsewhere and are “finished” at motor carrier.
- Public entities providing training are limited. (NTI, Regional Tech Schools, Community College System are most common)
- Training entities have more capacity than demand at this time.
- There is a shortage of qualified Instructors in Maine.
- Even fewer Instructor Trainers (only 3 we know of in Maine).