1-6-2022 MMTA Annual Banquet 2-Minute Survey

2-Minute Survey – Annual Banquet Feedback Needed!

The MMTA Board of Directors will be meeting next Wednesday, October 13th, and one of the agenda items is to discuss what to do about the January 6, 2022 Annual Banquet.  The reason for the discussion is that we have heard from a few that they are concerned about such gatherings in the context of attending with multiple members of their team/customers and possible COVID transmission in the heart of the Maine winter.

In an effort to instruct the conversation with the Board, we are asking MMTA members to take no more than 2-minutes to fill out a quick survey about the likelihood of attending the Annual Banquet in Portland in January with hundreds (typically 500+) of people.  To be clear, we don’t know if Maine/Portland will have indoor capacity, mask, vaccine or any other requirements this far out, but our goal is to gather as much information as possible so the Board can make an informed decision.

The reality is that we want to hold the event in-person, especially since we didn’t get together at the Holiday Inn By-the-Bay last year.  But we don’t want the collective time, effort and expense to be wasted if what we want to happen isn’t realistic.

Please fill out the survey below.  Thank you!