Each year, the Trust is required to hold an Annual Membership Meeting according to our program’s by-laws and Maine Bureau of Insurance regulations. We typically have one meeting at a single location, which sometimes makes it problematic for some members traveling long distances given time constraints and the busy schedules we all face. Every other year, we try to hold the MMTA Workers’ Comp. Trust’s Annual Membership Meetings in northern and southern locations. This year we will be gathering in Brewer and South Portland, again requiring mandatory attendance for members at only one of the meetings.
The southern meeting will be held on September 17th at the Portland Sheraton at Sable Oaks located at 200 Sable Oaks Dr, South Portland. The northern meeting will be held on the following day, September 18th, at Jeff’s Catering located at 15 Eventcenter Way, Brewer. Both meetings start at 9am and should be done no later than 11am.
Please come prepared to participate in a robust discussion that will help the Trust continue to successfully return refunds and keep rates exceptionally low! Please also consider bringing anyone in your organization that has anything to do with your safety program, claims management or human resources as the information will be useful for us all.
As has been the case in past years, attendance will be mandatory for each member to send at least one representative from their company – those who are unable to be represented at the meeting must send a letter to the Trust’s office with their explanation prior to the event. A sign-up sheet is below. Please register no later than September 13th.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to Brian if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you EITHER in South Portland on September 17th or Brewer on September 18th!